Here we are, the 2011 season end up at the final of the Italian Championship last weekend in Borno in the region of Bergamo.
The first day was really good, a good battle with Mika Ahola and I got second place only few seconds behind.
Mika could celebrate his title Saturday night and He dicided not to race the next day due to a little injury on his foot, so I was motivated to get my first win on Sunday but a big mistake in the Extrem test got me in the fourth place but still finish first in E1 and second scratch overall of the weekend.
- 2nd French Championship
- 1st Italian Championship E1 and 2nd scratch
- 4th Enduro World Championship
I am just a little disappointed not to be on the podium at the World Championship but no excuses the top three were better, congratulation to Juha Salminen, Ero Remes and Matti Seistola.
I would like to thank ereybody who help me this season to race in the best conditions,
- First my Fiancé Yvonne and Eric Berton, there are always here for me, in the best and the bad moments for many years already.

- My Mechanic, Antonio Specia.
- Moto-Station, Ellie Vecchi, Yves Rodes, Honda HM Euroboost et Michel Merel who gave me the chance to ride the French Championship
Moto-Station Honda HM Euroboost
- Patrice Garcia and Nicolas Gosset for helping me at the final of the French Championship

- Guillaume Daumas to make me in a really good shape
Follow Up

- Janine for making me stronger in the head
- Transport COQUELLE
- Moto Club du VAR
MC -Var
- USWE High Performance Hydration Systems, Thank you Karl
- Leatt Brace, Thank you Lenny

- Trail Tech Helmet Light
- Pacific Fitness in Carpentras
- Honda Jolly Racing Team
Honda Jolly Racing
And of course all my fans who are following me since a long time...

I will have a busy month of November, I prepare the birth of my daughter LORELEY who should be born the 18, the Enduro Indoor of Milano the 10, the Supercoss of Milano the 12 and the Enduro Indoor of Genova on the 26.
Yes!!! I will race Supercross but without goal, JUST FOR FUN...
Thank you again to all who helped me and to all the fans through internet and on the tracks.
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